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Tosche Station Inventory

Friday, October 4, 2019

Knight Of Ren: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Action Figure

Star Wars THE RISE OF SKYWALKER Vintage Collection Knight Of Ren action figure.
This Knight of Ren (Long Axe) is part of an enclave of masked warriors wielding distinct weapons for ranged and close quarters combat.
The Knights of Ren are elite, fearsome enforcers of Kylo Ren.

C-3PO & Babu Frik: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Action Figure

Babu Frik was a diminutive Anzellan, working as a droidsmith among the Spice Runners of Kijimi and could reprogram or modify almost any droid, regardless of its security measures.

D-O: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Action Figure

D-O was a droid that was once owned by the Sith assassin Ochi of Bestoon. The droid was created by a droidsmith, who was killed by Ochi.

The droid was reactivated by BB-8, in 35 ABY, when found on Pasaana aboard Ochi's mysterious ship.