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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Shows Off Costumes And Weapons

The movie Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One, will center on a Rebel Alliance mission to steal plans for the Death Star.

The Imperial Shuttle, the TIE-Strikers and the AT-ACTs will play major roles in repelling the Rebels.

"A band of resistance fighters unite for a daring mission to steal the Death Star plans in Star Wars anthology film, Rogue One."

The spinoff will take place after the Jedi order was wiped out in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, there will be no Jedi warriors in Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One. Felicity Jones is playing a Rebel Alliance warrior in the film.

The idea for these anthology films came from George Lucas himself, with a story that originated from John Knoll, visual effects supervisor and chief creative officer at Industrial Light & Magic.
Kathleen Kennedy said, "It was really George's idea, not only picking up the saga again - which he never envisioned he would do... he was really interested in exploring all the stories that might exist within the universe."

Star Wars: Rogue One Shows Off Costumes And Weapons
A number of costumes for the next adventure in that far, far away galaxy, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, are going public In January at the Nuremberg Toy Fair.

Rogue One is set in the time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and these costumes look very much like they could have been lifted right out of the original trilogy.

The hooded coat and gloves outfit is the one worn by Diego Luna’s character.
Wherever they are, it’s likely to be cold as all hell. Though there are some differences, this is very similar in appearance to Han Solo’s attire on the ice planet Hoth. And that blaster he has looks rather sturdy.

Endrio Two Tubes, an ally of the Rebellion who is upset at the Empire because they ravaged his
home planet of Yar Togna.
Edrio Two Tubes is a mercenary pilot who flies alongside his eggmate, Benthic. The two share
the nickname derived from the breathing apparatus that allows their Tognath physiology to
process oxygen atmospheres. Edrio's home world Yar Togna was conquered and occupied by the
Empire, forcing him to flee as a refugee. Desiring to strike back at the Empire, Edrio and Benthic have allied with Saw Gerrera.

Darth Vader's Back, And Badder Than Ever
Birth.Movies.Death. reports that Darth Vader will have a big presence in the spinoff, but stopped short of calling him the main antagonist. Instead, the Sith Lord is expected to be working behind the scenes, and will be seen via display screens and holograms. It’s also unclear whether the main protagonists will run into Vader during their adventures.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will see him ratchet up his tactics when it comes to his favourite pastime: crushing the rebel scum.
'The action sequences filmed are unknown, but there was work pitching the different ways Darth Vader could kill rebels on a battlefield with the Force and his lightsaber. The storyboard “pitches” showed decapitated rebels, people being dismembered by Vader throwing his sword, levitating bodies to make human shields, and so on. The art was more violent than what we’ve seen Darth Vader do on screen before.'

Making Star Wars previously reported that James Earl Jones will reprise the role.

Star Wars: Rogue One follows a group of Rebel soldiers that unite on a daring mission to steal the Death Star plans. The cast consists of Felicity Jones as the lead hero, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Riz Ahmed, and Forest Whitaker. Disney and Lucasfilm showed the first teaser trailer for the film at Star Wars Celebration in April, and it’s been described as darker and more grounded than its predecessors.

The original concept art for Rogue One suggests we'll see a grittier side to the conflict, showing rebels and stormtroopers battling on a war-torn planet.

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