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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

BB-9E Droid: Star Wars The Last Jedi Action Figure

Sphero is introducing a BB-8 counterpart: BB-9E, a dark droid from the new movie, and R2-D2. It works in the same way Sphero's BB-8 toy does; users can drive BB-9E around, watch Star Wars movies with it, and have it patrol an area.

Their automated system relies on a Shazam-like software that listens for voice cues, so the droids know when to react. This means that even if you pause a movie, BB-9E knows where you left off.

Both R2-D2 and BB-9E work with the previously released Force Band controller, as well as the Sphero education app.

Snoke’s ship “Supremacy” and Resistance ship “Raddus” revealed!
by David Harris

The new Sphero droid BB-9E has a look at two all-new ships from Star Wars: The Last Jedi…

Sphero’s new app controlled droid BB-9E — the First Order’s BB unit, contains key descriptions.

Supreme Leader Snoke will emerge from the shadows.
“The Supremacy” will serve as Snoke’s “throne ship,” classified as “Mega-class” (the only ship bearing that classification) and is 60 kilometers — or 37 miles — in length.

There will be a Resistance ship named “The Raddus.”
BB-8 will patrol “The Raddus” using augmented reality. The ship will be a Mon Calamari class cruiser.

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